Bringing Your Hot Tub Out of Hibernation: How to Open a Hot Tub
Did you sneak off to a warmer climate for the winter? If so, you did one of two things and now need to open a hot tub:
- You had it winterized by a member of our team, and you can simply pull off the cover, fill up the tub, and start it up for a satisfying and relaxing soak.
- You didn’t, and it requires some cleaning, maintenance or other service to make it ready for family enjoyment.

If you’re part of group two, here’s what we recommend you do to bring the hot tub out of hibernation.
Get that old water drained, the tub cleaned and refilled
Hot tub water can be kept clean with chemicals for a while, but every few months you still need to drain it, clean the surface of the hot tub and refill with fresh water.
How to Refill Your Hot Tub
The entire process takes about 4 hours for most homeowners. If you want to give it a try yourself, we have a step by step guide online here.

When you only have a few hours on the weekend to handle all your household chores (and you want to spend just a little time relaxing), a better option is to book us. We’ll do it for as little as $175 and your hot tub will be fresh and clean for use when you want to slide in.
Weekly maintenance plan members get the best price and preferred scheduling. If you haven’t already looked into it, you can learn about weekly maintenance here.
Try to start it up and see what happens
Sometimes a hot tub will inexplicably develop a mechanical issue when left dormant for a stretch of only a few months.
- A leaking or squealing pump should be turned off and investigated by a technician.
- A hot tub with power loss should be investigated by a technician.
- Any mechanical issue can be an independent problem or a sign of something larger.
The best move is to call us for general hot tub service. We can inspect and repair all makes and models.
Weekly maintenance customers get the best price, at $100 per hour.
Subscribe to weekly maintenance and never think about it again
A hot tub that is taken care of takes care of you.
When you sign up for weekly maintenance, we:
- Test and analyze water balance.
- Vacuum any debris from the tub floor.
- Make corrections to water chemistry.
- Remove any developing scum lines.
- Rinse your filter.
- Inspect the moving parts to ensure optimal performance.
We’ll even make sure your hot tub cover lift hasn’t shifted.
You can join a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly plan, with the cost of each:
- Weekly – $45.99.
- Bi-weekly – $59.99.
- Monthly -$69.99.
You’ll never fall behind on taking care of your hot tub. It will always be in clean, like-new condition.
Call or stop by our showroom to talk over your maintenance options. We know how to open a hot tub properly, and how to keep it going smoothly for years